The fee includes:
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The fee includes:
The fee includes:
The fee includes:
The fee includes:
The fee includes:
(payment to be made to UniPG following the instruction contained in the relative call)
The fee includes:
As in previous years, the IIM meeting will be part of the high training course in “ADVANCED MYOLOGY UPDATE”, which is managed by the University of Perugia (2 CFU) in collaboration with the IIM, and is reserved to trainees who are under 35 years old.
In addition to the sessions of the IIM meeting, the ADVANCED MYOLOGY UPDATE Course will include dedicated roundtable discussions and an additional dedicated day (15 October) with lessons from our keynote speakers: Philippos Mourikis (East-Paris University, Paris), Dada Pisconti (College of Arts and Sciences, Stony Brook, NY, USA), Shahragim Tajbakhsh (Institut Pasteur, Paris), and Saverio Tedesco (University College London, UK).
N.B. Young trainees who want to participate in the “ADVANCED MYOLOGY UPDATE” Course must first register through this site and subsequently, through the personal myIIM page, follow the dedicated link to the University of Perugia.
If you apply for this course, DO NOT process any form of payment before being notified. Payment has to be made uniquely to UniPG following the instructions contained in the dedicated call.
Abstracts can be submitted exclusively through your personal myIIM area; you will need to register to have access to the latter.
The abstract submission deadline is 29 August 2023.
The abstract should be submitted by the presenting author only. Each registered participant may submit a maximum of one abstract. During the submission process, authors can indicate their preference for "poster" or "oral presentation" and one of the 8 topics: Muscle function and E-C coupling, Genetic, epigenetic, and metabolic regulation of muscle, Muscle plasticity and exercise, Muscle stem cells and regenerative medicine, Muscle aging, Muscle wasting and cachexia, Modeling and treating muscle diseases, Cardiac muscle and cardiomyopathy.
When preparing your poster, please remember that its maximum size is 80 x 120 cm (width x height). Note that the orientation is portrait, not landscape.
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